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La cérémonie de signature du projet de ligne d'assemblage automatique de module personnalisé photo
In the afternoon of December 26, 2019, Jiaxing Longyin Photovoltaic Materials Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Hanborg Automation Technology Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement on a fully automatic assembly line project for BIPV custom module.Mr. Zhang Weif...
Jiaxing Longyin Photovoltaic step into new phase--- Specialty products are exhibited in Japan and suc
The high-performance photovoltaic panels and BIPV (Building Photovoltaic Integration) products was showed in the Tokyo exhibition in Japan from 12.4-12.6 in 2019.Jiaxing Longyins Photovoltaic products received high attention from experts and the medi...
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Panneau solaire simple verre
Panneau solaire à double vitrage
Panneau solaire demi-cellule MBB
Panneau solaire à couche mince
Panneau solaire personnalisé BIPV
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